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Bangkok Thailand

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand since 1782, is a relatively
new capital city; however, it is bursting with a mixture of old
(stunning temples and shrines, the Grand Palace, reclining
Buddhas) and new (skyscrapers, the Skytrain rail line, luxury
accommodations). The energy in the city is tangible, with
bustling street markets, high-end shopping, the notorious
shows, late-night clubbing and early morning almsgiving.
Yet despite the frenetic atmosphere, you don’t have to look
far for the meditative and tranquil feeling that many associate
with the Buddhist city. Let yourself go limber during a massage
at Wat Pho, float your tension away on a boat cruise along the
Chao Phraya River or delight in the local food at one of the
many street stalls.

Find hotels around Bangkok area here 
Hotels in Bangkok
Bangkok Hotels
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